With the continuous progress and development of society, while pursuing economic benefits, enterprises have paid more and more attention to the importance of social benefits and environmental benefits.The relationship between the balance of economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits will not only help enterprises achieve sustainable development, but also related to the harmony and development of the entire society.For the former neutralization of the public welfare organization, while achieving revenue, it is also thinking about how to create more social benefits and promote sustainable development.
At the beginning of the establishment of Zhonghe Agricultural Credit, three goals were made to the small credit business at the time. The first was based on the background of poverty alleviation at that time.To improve the personal capabilities of farmers, the third is based on the institution’s own development, and it is clear that commercial sustainability must be achieved.
The achievements of neutralized agricultural credit in terms of social performance cannot be ignored. For example, in terms of women’s empowerment, neutralizing Agricultural Credit attaches great importance to incorporating more weak groups such as women and low education people into the service scope.The participation rate of women in CITIC’s loan is about 70%. The platform will encourage women to participate more in family economic decisions and business activities by providing a loan to women and the wife of the husband and wife family as a “borrowing” priority.Help them improve their families and social status.At the same time, Zhonghe Rural Credit also provides a large number of financial, entrepreneurial, health and other aspects of public welfare services to improve their ability literacy in all aspects.
In terms of climate protection, Zhonghe Rural Credit has always been concerned.For example, Zhonghe Nongxin introduced the corresponding standards with the support of the early investor International Financial Corporation (IFC), which will exclude loan projects suspected of destruction of the environment.Perform further environmental risk assessment.For another example, when providing various consumer goods for farmers, Zhonghe Rural Credit Association vigorously promotes providing green durable products.At present, Zhonghe Rural Credit is still exploring the distributed photovoltaic business, hoping to use its own accumulated agricultural credit service network to add help to promote the green transformation of the energy structure.
In addition to business, Zhonghe Rural Credit also continued the tradition of public welfare, and carried out many social public welfare activities that focused on rural areas, including the establishment of “Zhonghe Fund” to rescue low -income groups due to major illness, accidental casualties, natural disasters and other reasons., “She plan” for free health clinics for grass -roots rural women, send exams for rural college entrance examination students, volunteer trees, and so on.At the same time, Zhonghe Rural Credit also encourages employees to actively participate in public welfare, and relatively simple activities will be directly organized by branches at all levels.
In addition, considering that some public welfare projects need to be more professional management and research, in 2020, Zhonghe Agricultural Credit also established a non -profit social organization for non -profit social organizations facing the country and focusing on the practice and research of the countryside of rural development.The projects of neutralized funds “and other farmers’ entrepreneurial enhancement and rural development research are professional operations by the Rural Development Promotion Center.
With a high sense of social responsibility, integrating its resource advantages with a high sense of social responsibility, adhere to the original intention of public welfare, scientifically balances economic benefits and social benefits, and environmental benefits have played their due responsibilities and role in promoting the sustainable development of society.Create a model with social welfare.