On June 25, a highly anticipated healthy feast -Putuo District Community Health Lecture Hall was held in the activity room of the Jinrui Resident Committee.EssenceThe event invited Director Chen Zhouwei, the Inspection Department of Putuo District Liquan Hospital, to conduct a popular science lecture on the theme of “Focus on Food Safety”. Changfeng Street Baiyu Community Health Services Center prevented Yang Yiyun’s preparation.

In this popular science preaching, Director Chen Zhouwei mainly preached the safety of prefabricated dishes that the people’s attention.

Director Chen Zhouwei explained the definition, production process, and how to treat prefabricated dishes scientifically and rationally, and emphasized the main points of its purchase, cooking, storage methods.Subsequently, he and residents interacted with the advantages and disadvantages of prefabricated dishes, saving resources, safety, single taste, and nutritional problems.

Through this lecture, the residents have expressed their gains, and successfully eliminated the awareness misunderstanding of prefabricated dishes. They have a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of them.Prefabricated dishes have effectively improved food safety knowledge and awareness.

After the lecture, the guests interacted with the residents, and the atmosphere at the scene was active.Changfeng Street Baiyu Community Health Service Center also carried out satisfaction evaluation and family doctors’ signing publicity work. A total of 52 evaluation forms were issued, with a satisfaction of 100%of satisfaction and 11 new contracts.

Source | Baiyu Community Health Service Center

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Original title: “Medical Style | Follow Food Safety -Putuo District Community Health Lecture Hall is held in Baiyu News Agency”